This site lists all publications that were created in the context of this project.
- Salvaneschi, Proksch, Amann, Nadi, Mezini. "On the Positive Effect of Reactive Programming on Software Comprehension: An Empirical Study". Accepted for publication in Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE, 2017.
- Proksch, Nadi, Amann, Mezini. “Enriching In-IDE Process Information with Fine-Grained Source Code History”. International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), IEEE, 2017.
- Cergani, Ervina, Sebastian Proksch, Sarah Nadi, and Mira Mezini. "Addressing Scalability in API Method Call Analytics". International Workshop on Software Analytics (SWAN), 2016.
- Proksch, Sebastian, Sven Amann, Sarah Nadi, and Mira Mezini. "Evaluating the Evaluations of Code Recommender Systems: A Reality Check". International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), IEEE/ACM, 2016.
- Proksch, Sebastian, Sven Amann, Sarah Nadi, Mira Mezini. "A Dataset of Simplified Syntax Trees for C#". Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. 2016.
- Amann, Sven, Sebastian Proksch, Sarah Nadi. "FeedBaG: An Interaction Tracker for Visual Studio". International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2016.
- Amann, Sven, Sebastian Proksch, Sarah Nadi, and Mira Mezini. "A Study of Visual Studio Usage in Practice." International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), IEEE, 2016.
- Proksch, Sebastian, Johannes Lerch, and Mira Mezini. "Intelligent Code Completion with Bayesian Networks." ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), ACM, 2015.
- Proksch, Bauer, Murphy. "How to Build a Recommendation System for Software Engineering". Invited Book chapter. Springer, 2015.
- Proksch, Sebastian, Sven Amann, and Mira Mezini. "Towards standardized evaluation of developer-assistance tools." Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE). ACM, 2014.
- Amann, Sven, Sebastian Proksch, and Mira Mezini. "Method-call recommendations from implicit developer feedback." Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE). ACM, 2014.
- Salvaneschi, Guido, Sven Amann, Sebastian Proksch, and Mira Mezini. "An Empirical Study on Program Comprehension with Reactive Programming." Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE). ACM, 2014.